This is my review of the books I have read from the list 1000 Novels That Everyone Must Read. Want to read the books off the list and start your own life goal? The link is

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Tropic of Cancer by Henry Miller

The Tropic of Cancer by Henry Miller is well known by many people for it's reputation. In fact, I bet that over half the people who have an opinion of this book have never even opened it. TV episodes of Seinfeld and general stereotypes have given this book a bad name. However, I actually quite enjoyed it.

Let's get over the first stereotype right away, that this book is only about sex. I didn't get that, at all. Yes, it is about a young bachelor in France who enjoys his sexual encounters, but it in no way is solely about sex. In fact, it was MUCH cleaner than any modern day romance book. I suppose young, immature, preteens could read this book and thing they were reading something really dirty upon the mention of syphilis or the clap, but that is in no way the meaning of the book.

In fact, the book is quite humorous. The main character is meant to be the author himself, Henry Miller, an ex-patriot who is living in Paris as a starving author, trying to make enough living to eat, sleep, and afford the occasional woman of the night. Many time I found myself laughing outloud at the protagonist's thoughts or events.

However, the book does occasionally stray from the main story or plot into the musings and values of Mr. Miller, and that was when I started losing attention. There is not much pure action in this book, but rather it focuses on the life and times of Henry Miller during his stay in Paris. He often looks down on those around him, though he cannot afford a constant form of shelter and goes days without food. He is actually the ultimate moocher, having a different 'weekly meal' wet up with at least 8 different people or families at any one time. Quite clever if you ask me.

Any book that can make me laugh gets extra props. However, the constant straying from the plot often lost my attention. Therefore, I give Tropic of Cancer 3.5 OUT OF A POSSIBLE 5 STARS!

Reading Next:: TBD

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